Bulletin aphids caught up to 5th April 2015

Site Sample Date Aphid Species Total
Writtle 05 Jan - 11 Jan Sitobion fragariae 1
Starcross 19 Jan - 25 Jan Rhopalosiphum padi 1
Wye 02 Mar - 08 Mar Rhopalosiphum padi 1
Broom's Barn 09 Mar - 15 Mar Myzus ascalonicus 1
Kirton II 09 Mar - 15 Mar Myzus ascalonicus 1
Wye 09 Mar - 15 Mar Myzus ascalonicus 1
Hereford 16 Mar - 22 Mar Myzus ascalonicus 1
Starcross 16 Mar - 22 Mar Elatobium abietinum 1
Broom's Barn 23 Mar - 29 Mar Myzus ascalonicus 1
Silwood 23 Mar - 29 Mar Myzus ascalonicus 1
Broom's Barn 30 Mar - 05 Apr Myzus ascalonicus 1
Silwood 30 Mar - 05 Apr Myzus ascalonicus 4

The Rothamsted Insect Survey is a BBSRC supported National Capability with additional support from the Lawes Agricultural Trust, the BBRO, AHDB and others.

Any enquiries should be directed to Dr Richard Harrington (richard.harrington@rothamsted.ac.uk; 01582 938452.