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Rothamsted Insect Survey

Bulletin 13 2009: 6 July - 12 July

Rothamsted Insect Survey, Plant and Invertebrate Ecology, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2JQ, United Kingdom

Part catches             1  
A. pisum919343  6 5504526 8140 42 
A. fabae gp.  11 4 3274 188542616
A. solani 31             
B. helichrysi313312 22 14846262 2
B. brassicae 1     122241863014212416
C. aegopodii78428681022      
D. platanoidis12874862118384046  1042
E. abietinum                
H. pruni 211423016121261061210214
H. lactucae394    2214 2416 4 
M. euphorbiae44225102221684 26   
M. dirhodum19012014019742023602702 494 228
M. ascalonicus                
M. persicae gp1213  2425124188240442692 
N. ribisnigri1        2      
P. humuli  11028 12148 414   
R. insertum1943957813872403074192182414610
R. maidis                
R. padi14038766803894134104023204820363282256
S. avenae913631252104012798758241044172106414
S. fragariae39171824 6650266818101414

This bulletin is not a publication. Its contents are for information only and may not be used in any publication, or for advice, without the prior written approval of Dr. R. Harrington or staff of the RIS and or SASA. Rothamsted Research receives grant-aided support from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council of the United Kingdom.

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