Yearly Weather Summaries

Data supplied from the Rothamsted Meteorological Station (Harpenden)

Change of rain gauge and the effect on rainfall capture and data presented in Monthly Weather Summaries.

Rainfall up until 2004 was measured manually using a cylindrical rain gauge of five inch diameter (5") within a turf-wall enclosure to reduce wind turbulence. In 2004 the Met Station at Rothamsted was automated and the 5" rain gauge replaced with an aerodynamically shaped tipping bucket rain gauge of ten inch diameter (type ARG100) within the enclosure. The manufacturers of the ARG100 state that "the ARG100 raingauge typically captures over 5% more rainfall than most traditionally-shaped cylindrical gauges due to its unique aerodynamic shape and reduced evaporation-loss properties". This has been found to be the case at Rothamsted. When we have compared the ARG100 with the 5" we get a difference of approximately ten percent over an eight year period (2004 to 2011).

We have therefore decided not to correct rainfall data but to advise that this difference exists. This does however mean that the 30 year average rainfall data are to be considered for use as guidance only.

Table of warnings about 30 year rainfall averages
30 Year Average
(Gauge used)
Associated Weather Summary Table Status
1971 to 2000 (5" only) 2001 to 2010 up to 2003 - OK
2004 onwards - guidance only
1981 to 2010 (5" and ARG100) 2011 to 2020 guidance only
1991 to 2020 (5" and ARG100) 2021 onwards guidance only

| 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024| 2025 |previous summaries

Rothamsted Research (Harpenden)
The weather : Monthly Summary : 2025
(Departure from the 30 year means (1991 - 2020) in brackets)
  Sunshine Mean Temperatures Rainfall
    Maximum Minimum Ground Frost * 10cm Under Bare Soil 30cm Under Grass Total Duration
  Hours ( ) oC ( ) oC ( ) no. oC oC mm ( ) days**
January 66.3 (+2.43) 5.8 (-1.27) 0.3 (-1.32) 22 3.2 5.9 74.5 (+0.42) 17
February 73.2 (-12.95) 7.3 (-0.27) 1.9 (+0.42) 18 3.9 5.7 51.3 (-5.64) 18
Year 139.5 (-10.52) 6.5 (-0.77) 1.1 (-0.45) 40  3.6 5.8 125.8 (-5.22) 35
* Number of nights grass minimum below 0.0 oC
** Number of days rain was 0.2 mm or more Top of Page

Rothamsted Research (Harpenden)
The weather : Monthly Summary : 2024
(Departure from the 30 year means (1991 - 2020) in brackets)
  Sunshine Mean Temperatures Rainfall
    Maximum Minimum Ground Frost * 10cm Under Bare Soil 30cm Under Grass Total Duration
  Hours ( ) oC ( ) oC ( ) no. oC oC mm ( ) days**
January 83.6 (+19.73) 7.0 (-0.06) 1.5 (-0.05) 16 3.6 6.1 72.6 (-1.55) 15
February 63.7 (-22.46) 10.6 (+3.07) 4.7 (+3.21) 9 6.5 7.8 130.0 (+73.03) 21
March 106.1 (-22.26) 11.4 (+1.18) 4.8 (+1.98) 9 7.0 8.4 90.0 (+42.93) 19
April 156.4 (-15.66) 13.3 (-0.08) 6.0 (+1.56) 4 8.8 10.2 67.4 (+13.45) 19
May 186.9 (-16.41) 17.8 (+1.34) 9.6 (+2.29) 0 13.8 13.5 114.8 (+61.54) 16
June 241.4 (+35.58) 19.4 (-0.08) 9.0 (-1.20) 1 15.5 14.8 21.5 (-33.30) 10
July 205.0 (-1.85) 21.5 (-0.45) 11.9 (-0.46) 0 17.3 16.8 91.0 (+35.56) 12
August 211.5 (+22.15) 22.5 (+0.87) 12.7 (+0.44) 0 17.8 17.5 23.2 (-48.83) 12
September 126.7 (-23.95) 18.6 (+0.02) 10.8 (+0.61) 4 12.1 15.7 185.2 (+127.51) 18
October 98.9 (-14.13) 14.9 (+0.60) 8.0 (+0.48) 5 10.9 13.3 62.0 (-19.31) 27
November 58.7 (-13.49) 9.8 (-0.26) 4.7 (+0.41) 12 7.6 12.2 66.7 (-14.55) 14
December 34.7 (-26.12) 8.6 (+1.22) 4.3 (+2.33) 4 6.4 8.4 68.1 (-7.50) 21
Year 1573.7 (-78.87) 14.6 (+0.61) 7.3 (+0.97) 64 10.8 11.9 992.5 (+228.97) 204
* Number of nights grass minimum below 0.0 oC
** Number of days rain was 0.2 mm or more Top of Page

Rothamsted Research (Harpenden)
The weather : Monthly Summary : 2023
(Departure from the 30 year means (1991 - 2020) in brackets)
  Sunshine Mean Temperatures Rainfall
    Maximum Minimum Ground Frost * 10cm Under Bare Soil 30cm Under Grass Total Duration
  Hours ( ) oC ( ) oC ( ) no. oC oC mm ( ) days**
January 88.1 (+24.21) 8.0 (+0.94) 1.3 (-0.30) 17 3.8 5.8 79.6 (+5.47) 22
February 110.3 (+24.16) 9.6 (+2.04) 2.2 (+0.69) 13 4.3 5.7 5.7 (-51.29) 11
March 89.9 (-38.49) 9.8 (-0.45) 3.7 (+0.82) 11 5.8 7.0 117.2 (+70.09) 25
April 176.3 (+4.24) 13.0 (-0.41) 4.0 (-0.47) 12 8.1 9.4 65.0 (+11.05) 16
May 211.6 (+8.25) 16.6 (+0.07) 7.7 (+0.40) 5 13.0 12.7 48.9 (-4.38) 11
June 250.1 (+44.32) 23.3 (+3.78) 11.2 (+1.02) 0 18.2 15.7 16.0 (-38.86) 7
July 181.3 (-25.49) 20.9 (-1.10) 12.2 (-0.11) 0 17.3 16.7 97.8 (+42.31) 21
August 182.9 (-6.51) 21.2 (-0.45) 12.2 (-0.07) 0 16.9 17.2 50.5 (-21.49) 16
September 181.6 (+30.92) 22.5 (+3.98) 13.0 (+2.79) 0 16.7 17.0 60.3 (+2.53) 11
October 135.4 (+22.38) 16.5 (+2.17) 8.8 (+1.28) 4 11.8 14.4 100.9 (+19.53) 19
November 85.4 (+13.20) 10.3 (+0.19) 4.0 (-0.29) 12 6.7 10.0 75.6 (-5.56) 21
December 37.6 (-23.22) 9.4 (+2.04) 4.6 (+2.62) 10 6.1 7.8 101.3 (+25.70) 26
Year 1730.5 (+77.97) 15.1 (+1.04) 7.1 (+0.68) 84 10.7 11.6 818.6 (+55.09) 206
* Number of nights grass minimum below 0.0 oC
** Number of days rain was 0.2 mm or more Top of Page

Rothamsted Research (Harpenden)
The weather : Monthly Summary : 2022
(Departure from the 30 year means (1991 - 2020) in brackets)
  Sunshine Mean Temperatures Rainfall
    Maximum Minimum Ground Frost * 10cm Under Bare Soil 30cm Under Grass Total Duration
  Hours ( ) oC ( ) oC ( ) no. oC oC mm ( ) days**
January 86.3 (+22.40) 7.6 (+0.53) 0.8 (-0.74) 19 3.4 6.2 23.4 (-50.69) 16
February 90.0 (+3.82) 9.9 (+2.36) 3.0 (+1.50) 14 4.7 6.6 79.0 (+22.04) 19
March 167.0 (+38.58) 11.8 (+1.50) 3.4 (+0.58) 16 6.0 7.6 34.1 (-12.93) 13
April 197.5 (+25.44) 14.2 (+0.78) 4.1 (-0.41) 15 9.0 9.5 20.8 (-33.19) 8
May 195.1 (-8.24) 17.9 (+1.42) 8.4 (+1.06) 4 14.2 13.0 33.9 (-19.33) 14
June 253.6 (+47.85) 20.8 (+1.29) 10.0 (-0.20) 2 17.2 15.2 43.8 (-10.99) 13
July 254.5 (+47.68) 24.9 (+2.93) 13.1 (+0.79) 0 19.9 17.4 11.7 (-43.74) 5
August 245.6 (+56.19) 25.2 (+3.55) 13.9 (+1.62) 0 19.8 18.3 41.4 (-30.58) 5
September 127.0 (-23.73) 18.5 (-0.05) 10.6 (+0.42) 4 14.4 16.2 77.9 (+20.14) 16
October 147.6 (+34.59) 16.8 (+2.51) 9.2 (+1.62) 5 11.3 13.2 101.0 (+19.68) 18
November 77.0 (+4.77) 11.8 (+1.69) 6.5 (+2.24) 9 8.3 11.0 131.7 (+50.46) 24
December 71.4 (+10.58) 6.4 (-0.97) 0.1 (-1.90) 21 3.7 6.5 67.9 (-7.70) 16
Year 1912.5 (+259.93) 15.5 (+1.44) 6.9 (+0.53) 109 11.0 11.7 666.7 (-96.83) 167
* Number of nights grass minimum below 0.0 oC
** Number of days rain was 0.2 mm or more Top of Page

Rothamsted Research (Harpenden)
The weather : Monthly Summary : 2021
(Departure from the 30 year means (1991 - 2020) in brackets)
  Sunshine Mean Temperatures Rainfall
    Maximum Minimum Ground Frost * 10cm Under Bare Soil 30cm Under Grass Total Duration
  Hours ( ) oC ( ) oC ( ) no. oC oC mm ( ) days**
January 52.0 (-11.91) 5.8 (-1.20) 0.4 (-1.22) 18 3.1 5.0 113.6 (+39.48) 23
February 80.8 (-5.38) 8.1 (+0.56) 2.2 (+0.73) 14 4.0 5.2 45.8 (-11.15) 15
March 112.0 (-16.36) 10.7 (+0.42) 3.5 (+0.62) 18 5.5 6.9 27.6 (-19.47) 13
April 215.8 (+43.79) 11.6 (-1.84) 1.1 (-3.36) 22 7.1 8.0 1.6 (-52.40) 4
May 150.4 (-52.92) 14.73 (-1.78) 6.2 (-1.10) 10 10.4 10.7 94.4 (+41.14) 24
June 184.7 (-21.09) 20.3 (+0.77) 11.8 (+1.62) 0 17.1 15.9 77.6 (+22.78) 11
July 195.6 (-11.18) 22.3 (+0.29) 13.8 (+1.04) 0 18.5 17.7 51.0 (-4.46) 17
August 114.2 (-75.21) 19.9 (-1.69) 12.3 (+0.02) 0 16.6 16.9 37.0 (-34.99) 13
September 136.2 (-14.46) 20.6 (+2.08) 11.5 (+1.32) 0 15.4 16.0 54.1 (-3.60) 11
October 95.1 (-17.97) 15.2 (+0.94) 8.6 (+1.01) 4 11.2 13.2 104.8 (+23.51) 17
November 82.1 (+9.89) 10.0 (-0.07) 3.9 (-0.37) 13 6.4 9.8 19.2 (-62.02) 16
December 23.5 (-37.31) 8.6 (+1.16) 3.9 (+1.94) 9 5.7 7.5 76.2 (+0.58) 24
Year 1442.4 (-210.13) 14.0 (-0.03) 6.6 (+0.19) 108 10.1 11.1 702.9 (-60.59) 188
* Number of nights grass minimum below 0.0 oC
** Number of days rain was 0.2 mm or more Top of Page

Rothamsted Research (Harpenden)
The weather : Monthly Summary : 2020
(Departure from the 30 year means (1981 - 2010) in brackets)
  Sunshine Mean Temperatures Rainfall
    Maximum Minimum Ground Frost * 10cm Under Bare Soil 30cm Under Grass Total Duration
  Hours ( ) oC ( ) oC ( ) no. oC oC mm ( ) days**
January 59.4 (-2.65) 8.9 (+2.20) 3.8 (+2.61) 11 5.1 6.7 79.8 (+9.83) 24
February 92.3 (+12.07) 9.7 (+2.80) 3.2 (+2.31) 10 4.7 6.5 127.0 (+76.86) 23
March 166.4 (+51.55) 10.6 (+0.74) 2.7 (+0.06) 15 4.8 6.9 43.8 (-7.00) 17
April 243.1 (+81.93) 16.6 (+3.94) 4.7 (+0.71) 9 9.8 9.7 51.4 (-3.66) 8
May 308.6 (+113.97) 18.9 (+2.77) 7.0 (+0.12) 8 14.1 12.6 3.2 (-51.49) 2
June 199.6 (+1.45) 20.5 (+1.32) 10.9 (+1.18) 0 16.6 15.2 87.4 (+34.14) 18
July 192.2 (-12.96) 21.5 (-0.30) 11.9 (+0.01) 0 17.0 16.7 81.2 (+31.33) 15
August 169.2 (-27.01) 23.0 (+1.39) 14.2 (+2.31) 0 18.2 18.0 172.0 (+108.27) 15
September 185.2 (+41.81) 19.5 (+1.23) 9.8 (-0.13) 2 14.1 15.9 32.8 (-24.83) 10
October 70.9 (-40.85) 13.8 (-0.26) 7.9 (+0.82) 6 10.2 12.60 198.4 (+116.72) 27
November 63.9 (-6.88) 11.5 (+1.80) 5.4 (+1.58) 11 8.0 10.3 57.4 (-19.23) 24
December 50.0 (-3.84) 7.3 (+0.36) 2.6 (+0.94) 12 5.0 7.4 98.4 (+28.88) 22
Year 1800.9 (+208.58) 15.1 (+1.50) 7.0 (+1.04) 84 10.6 11.6 1032.8 (+299.82) 205
* Number of nights grass minimum below 0.0 oC
** Number of days rain was 0.2 mm or more Top of Page

Rothamsted Research (Harpenden)
The weather : Monthly Summary : 2019
(Departure from the 30 year means (1981 - 2010) in brackets)
  Sunshine Mean Temperatures Rainfall
    Maximum Minimum Ground Frost * 10cm Under Bare Soil 30cm Under Grass Total Duration
  Hours ( ) oC ( ) oC ( ) no. oC oC mm ( ) days**
January 83.6 (+21.53) 6.2 (-0.54) 0.6 (-0.55) 17 3.3 5.8 34.8 (-35.17) 10
February 137.7 (+57.44) 10.9 (+3.97) 1.6 (+0.62) 21 3.8 5.4 43.2 (-6.94) 17
March 148.0 (+33.11) 11.4 (+1.50) 4.3 (+1.67) 11 6.4 7.8 60.4 (+9.60) 19
April 191.6 (+30.40) 13.9 (+1.30) 3.6 (-0.41) 16 8.4 9.3 13.2 (-41.86) 13
May 206.4 (+11.81) 16.3 (+0.24) 6.3 (-0.52) 9 12.4 12.0 42.8 (-11.89) 15
June 178.1 (-20.02) 19.3 (+0.16) 10.2 (+0.41) 3 15.4 14.6 70.8 (+17.54) 17
July 189.5 (-15.64) 23.1 (+1.36) 13.0 (+1.07) 0 18.7 17.2 45.0 (-4.87) 10
August 215.3 (+19.07) 23.2 (+1.59) 12.4 (+0.54) 0 17.2 17.2 45.2 (-18.53) 14
September 173.4 (+30.02) 19.5 (+1.18) 10.3 (+0.39) 3 14.7 15.5 75.0 (+17.37) 14
October 91.1 (-20.65) 13.84 (-0.21) 7.2 (+0.02) 7 10.0 12.9 109.6 (+27.92) 25
November 56.9 (-13.85) 8.9 (-0.80) 3.4 (-0.45) 11 5.9 8.9 91.0 (+14.37) 24
December 74.9 (+21.13) 8.8 (+1.88) 2.8 (+1.13) 14 4.8 6.9 111.6 (+42.08) 26
Year 1746.6 (+154.35) 14.6 (+0.97) 6.3 (+0.33) 112 10.1 11.1 742.6 (+9.62) 204
* Number of nights grass minimum below 0.0 oC
** Number of days rain was 0.2 mm or more Top of Page

Rothamsted Research (Harpenden)
The weather : Monthly Summary : 2018
(Departure from the 30 year means (1981 - 2010) in brackets)
  Sunshine Mean Temperatures Rainfall
    Maximum Minimum Ground Frost * 10cm Under Bare Soil 30cm Under Grass Total Duration
  Hours ( ) oC ( ) oC ( ) no. oC oC mm ( ) days**
January 64.9 (+2.83) 8.2 (+1.46) 2.2 (+0.96) 15 3.8 5.5 76.1 (+6.15) 23
February 116.6 (+36.29) 5.2 (-1.72) -0.7 (-1.58) 23 2.0 4.5 48.4 (-1.74) 16
March 87.4 (-27.51) 8.1 (-1.76) 1.7 (-0.98) 21 3.8 5.2 78.5 (+27.70) 25
April 128.2 (-33.05) 14.0 (+1.33) 6.7 (+2.63) 3 9.5 9.6 74.8 (+19.77) 17
May 267.2 (+72.55) 18.7 (+2.59) 7.9 (+1.00) 8 13.6 12.9 61.9 (+7.24) 13
June 266.2 (+68.03) 21.5 (+2.40) 10.9 (+1.11) 0 17.6 16.2 3.7 (-49.61) 7
July 294.4 (+89.18) 26.1 (+4.29) 13.8 (+1.92) 0 20.9 18.4 15.1 (-34.82) 6
August 172.9 (-23.35) 22.3 (+0.74) 12.5 (+0.69) 0 17.4 17.7 64.0 (+0.27) 13
September 188.2 (+44.77) 19.0 (+0.67) 9.2 (-0.69) 5 13.6 15.3 51.0 (-6.63) 12
October 141.1 (+29.34) 14.9 (+0.83) 6.9 (-0.21) 8 10.0 12.5 71.0 (-10.68) 18
November 80.9 (+10.11) 10.8 (+1.06) 4.9 (+1.13) 7 6.8 9.2 63.8 (-12.83) 21
December 57.0 (+3.21) 9.3 (+2.38) 3.7 (+2.01) 12 5.6 7.5 75 (+5.48) 21
Year 1864.7 (+272.39) 14.8 (+1.19) 6.6 (+0.67) 102 10.4 11.2 683.3 (-49.70) 192
* Number of nights grass minimum below 0.0 oC
** Number of days rain was 0.2 mm or more Top of Page

Rothamsted Research (Harpenden)
The weather : Monthly Summary : 2017
(Departure from the 30 year means (1981 - 2010) in brackets)
  Sunshine Mean Temperatures Rainfall
    Maximum Minimum Ground Frost * 10cm Under Bare Soil 30cm Under Grass Total Duration
  Hours ( ) oC ( ) oC ( ) no. oC oC mm ( ) days**
January 77.2 (+15.19) 6.3 (-0.38) -0.2 (-1.40) 19 2.2 4.1 70.2 (+0.21) 23
February 62.8 (-17.48) 8.5 (+1.59) 3.2 (+2.29) 15 4.6 5.6 38.7 (-11.40) 18
March 139.9 (+24.97) 12.7 (+2.76) 5.0 (+2.33) 15 8.0 7.8 40.4 (-10.42) 21
April 197.4 (+36.17) 13.8 (+1.20) 4.2 (+0.13) 17 10.2 9.6 10.9 (-44.19) 14
May 185.1 (-9.57) 17.7 (+1.65) 8.6 (+1.79) 2 13.8 12.7 70.5 (+15.82) 16
June 229.1 (+30.91) 21.5 (+2.38) 12.0 (+2.25) 1 18.5 16.7 39.1 (-14.12) 12
July 187.4 (-17.77) 21.8 (+0.00) 13.2 (+1.31) 0 18.2 17.6 72.6 (+22.69) 16
August 170.2 (-26.04) 20.2 (-1.39) 11.8 (-0.03) 0 16.3 16.7 66.6 (+2.89) 14
September 116.9 (-26.44) 17.3 (-0.94) 9.8 (-0.17) 1 13.3 15.0 86.9 (+29.29) 23
October 87.4 (-24.30) 15.4 (+1.37) 9.1 (+1.99) 3 11.5 13.5 31.2 (-50.51) 19
November 92.0 (+21.21) 9.6 (-0.09) 3.5 (-0.28) 15 6.5 11.8 53.5 (-23.09) 22
December 57.4 (+3.57) 7.2 (+0.35) 1.8 (+0.17) 19 4.0 6.0 110.8 (+41.25) 24
Year 1602.7 (+10.41) 14.3 (+0.71) 6.8 (+0.86) 107 10.5 11.3 691.4 (-41.58) 222
* Number of nights grass minimum below 0.0 oC
** Number of days rain was 0.2 mm or more Top of Page

Rothamsted Research (Harpenden)
The weather : Monthly Summary : 2016
(Departure from the 30 year means (1981 - 2010) in brackets)
  Sunshine Mean Temperatures Rainfall
    Maximum Minimum Ground Frost * 10cm Under Bare Soil 30cm Under Grass Total Duration
  Hours ( ) oC ( ) oC ( ) no. oC oC mm ( ) days**
January 64.5 (+2.46) 8.1 (+1.36) 1.8 (+0.63) 16 4.3 6.5 92.3 (+22.34) 25
February 111.5 (+31.19) 8.0 (+1.09) 1.6 (+0.67) 18 3.6 5.9 46.9 (-3.27) 18
March 133.4 (+18.45) 9.2 (-0.65) 1.8 (-0.92) 18 4.4 6.2 84.3 (+33.52) 16
April 167.6 (+6.37) 11.9 (-0.73) 3.5 (-0.52) 12 7.2 8.8 62.0 (+6.96) 24
May 197.0 (+2.40) 17.4 (+1.34) 7.9 (+0.99) 7 13.0 12.4 39.4 (-15.30) 11
June 141.0 (-57.17) 19.0 (-0.11) 11.2 (+1.45) 0 15.8 15.5 84.8 (+31.58) 22
July 210.3 (+5.09) 22.2 (+0.43) 12.8 (+0.89) 0 18.3 17.3 27.1 (-22.80) 16
August 217.6 (+21.38) 22.7 (+1.17) 12.9 (+1.02) 0 17.8 17.1 30.1 (-33.58) 12
September 128.0 (-15.44) 20.4 (+2.10) 12.2 (+2.29) 0 15.8 16.5 70.3 (+12.68) 16
October 104.0 (-7.73) 14.2 (+0.18) 7.4 (+0.30) 4 10.3 12.4 30.1 (-51.55) 22
November 91.1 (+20.40) 8.8 (-0.94) 2.6 (-1.24) 11 5.8 8.6 85.7 (+9.04) 21
December 68.7 (+14.91) 8.7 (+1.77) 2.1 (+0.40 18 4.8 6.7 26.2 (-43.28) 24
Year 1634.6 (+42.31) 14.2 (+0.58) 6.5 (+0.50) 104 10.1 11.2 679.3 (-53.66) 227
* Number of nights grass minimum below 0.0 oC
** Number of days rain was 0.2 mm or more Top of Page