User Guides, Information, Data Portal Updates and External Links
User Guides [please check back here for updates and new content!]
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Design, Establishment and Development. (NWFP_UG_Design_Develop.pdf) - NEW! 13 Oct 2023
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-minute) Hydrology and Water Quality Data. (NW_UG_NWFP_UG_Hydrology&WaterQuality_Data.pdf) - NEW! 13 Oct 2023
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-minute) Soil Moisture Station Data (NWFP_UG_SMS_Data.pdf) - NEW! 13 Oct 2023
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Fine Resolution (15-minute) Meteorological Data. (NWFP_UG_MET_Data.pdf) - NEW! 13 Oct 2023
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Eddy Covariance Greenhouse Gas Data. (NWFP_UG_EC_GHG_Data.pdf) - NEW! 13 Oct 2023
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: GreenFeed System Methane and Carbon Dioxide Data. (NWFP_UG_GreenFeed_Data.pdf) - NEW! 13 Oct 2023
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Livestock Data. (NWFP_UG_Livestock_Data.pdf) - NEW! 13 Oct 2023
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Field Events Data. (NWFP_UG_FieldEvents_Data.pdf) - NEW! 13 Oct 2023
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Field Survey Data. (NWFP_UG_FieldSurvey_Data.pdf) - NEW! 13 Oct 2023
- The North Wyke Farm Platform: Quality Control System (Data version 3; released on 01-12-2018). (NWFP_UG_QC.pdf) - NEW! 13 Oct 2023
- Advanced Quality Control Reports on RPubs
Supplementary Data, Information and File Downloads
- Map of Farm Platform
- Data Access Policy
- Soils of North Wyke [Harrod and Hogan, 2008]
- Hydrological Assessment (Draft report v5 (31 Oct 08.pdf)
- Design Flow Estimations (Revised flow estimates (18 Aug 09.pdf)
- Report on Hydrological Incontinence at Catchment 12 (Dairy North) - IMPORTANT please read!
Data and information that are not available on the Data Portal can be directly downloaded here on the Farm Platform File Store and includes:
Data Summary Files
- Daily and 4-weekly Summary Statistics of the 15-minute data. Please refer to the 15-minute user-guide (FP_UG.Doc.002_15MinData) for the limitations when using these summaries.
- Quality Control Reports
- 4-weekly 15 Minute Data Summary Reports
- Annual 15 Minute Data Summary Reports
- Animal Counts
Supplementary Information Files
Please be aware that use of these data is at your own risk. Terms and conditions on the use of these data can be found in the Data Access Policy
Known Issues and Workarounds
We are aware that there are certain issues with the Data Portal. However, there are ways to get around these. Below is a list of the current known issues and the temporary solutions.
1. MET-DATA Data Download
Issue: The data-download doesn’t contain the selected MET data.
Solution: Select catchment 4 in the map. As the MET station is located in the ‘old’ catchment 4.
2. Live Trends Graphs
Issue: The text on the axes of the Live Trends graphs is too small to read
Solution: Zoom in on graph using the browser zoom controls (Ctrl +)
3. Graph on Download page is refreshing all the time
Issue: When selecting variables, the graph is constantly updating, and the user has to wait until the loading has finished until another variable can be selected.
Solution: Change the date-interval to fall outside the available data period (above the variable selection boxes is stated when the data is available), then tick all the variables required. After all selection boxes are ticked, change the date to the desired date-interval. This way all the data will be loaded only once.
4. Issues with iPhone or Android phone
Issue: Some of the icon buttons on the NWFP front page aren’t appearing, making it impossible to enter the Data Portal.
Solution: No solution at present.
5. Closing the help page in the Data Portal in Chrome
Issue: The close button isn’t always visible on a laptop screen.
Solution: Use the mouse wheel to scroll down the page, or CTRL Page Down.
Data Portal Updates
Links to Associated Projects
- SUREROOT - Roots for the future, a systematic approach to root design
Useful Links to External Data Repositories and Associated Organisations
- UKRI [UK Research and Innovation]
- Agrimetrics [The Agri-Food Data Marketplace]
- CZEN [Critical Zone Exploration Network]
- ECN [Environmental Change Network]
- CUASHI [The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science]
- COSMOS-UK [Cosmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System]
- re3Data [Register of Research Data Repositories]
- CIEL [Centre for Innovation Excellence in Livestock]
- ANAEE [Infrastructure for Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems]
- ECT [Ecological Continuity Trust]